Distance Education:
Eliminating Barriers Between You and Your Study Goals.
At SDS Training, we aim to eliminate any barriers existing between our students and receiving high quality, nationally accredited training. We also understand that with competing personal and professional interests, finding the time to study on-site or on-campus just isn’t feasible for everyone.
Distance education gives you the flexibility to complete your studies on-site or via a combination of on-site and correspondence study modes.
As one of Australia’s leading industry trainers, SDS Training has the resources and industry experience to advance your knowledge and skills to assist you with obtaining your qualification(s) via distance without detriment to your outcomes.
We believe that there should be no limits when it comes to you achieving your goals. Whilst we’ve listed a few qualifications that we regularly offer via distance education, if you have a qualification you’d like to study that isn’t listed please contact us and we’ll work with you to develop a study plan that suits your lifestyle and needs.
Distance Education Courses

Asbestos Awareness Course (Non-accredited)

FWPCOT3348 Fell Trees Manually (Advanced)

WHSQHSRNCB01 Workplace Health and Safety Representative

RII50420 – Diploma of Civil Construction Management

BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety

BSB50820 – Diploma of Project Management

TLIF0005 Apply a fatigue risk management system

RIIRIS402E Carry out the risk management process

Supervisors G1, G8 & G9 (S1 S2 S3)

Silica Awareness Training

CPCCDE3014 – Remove Non-Friable Asbestos

RII40720 – Certificate IV in Civil Construction

RIIMPO326E Conduct Water Vehicle Operations